Sunday 26 June 2011

Day 5 !!!!!

Standing Infront of Taal Volcano (:
At the Children's museum (:
View of Taal Volcano (:

Today was the day we could relax after th hardowrk of th past few days !
We had a chance to wake up a little bit later before meeting at th lobby (:
We then headed off to Taal Volcano .
It was a long journey of around 2hrs ! Some of us even had a good sleep in the bus .
We stopped on th way, to grab a few pictures and fruits !
Once we reached th top of th mountain , from where we could have a panoramic view of th volcano , it was colder than normal temperature as we were really high up !
We all took LOTS OF PICTURES !
And then headed into a Restaurant which mostly served Seafood.
We had a good time there, enjoying the food and the view at the same time !
It was a once in a lifetime experience ;D

We then headed to the museum !
As it was a children's museum , we had the chance to have hand's on , on th artifacts there.
It was quite cool, learning abt out body , the culture and the modes of transportation of the philippines !
Although th museum was meant for kids, i think we actually had a really good time!

After that, we had a chance to shop at the MALL OF ASIA.
We had a limited time and also had to move around in groups to ensure our safety.
We also learnt that we had to be patient as someone else in th group shops fr what they want before we get our turn to go to th shop we want.
I think th group i was in managed our time pretty well and had a great time shopping !

Though we were all tired, we were still waiting for dinner.
We had a good time at th restaurant, bonding with each other as we ate .
We had indian food, and i think it was one of th best restaurants we had gone to (:

We then headed back to th hotel to pack our stuff and prepare fr th next day, which is going back home to Singapore.

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