Tuesday 14 June 2011


Today is the long awaited day!>.< Finally today we are taking the flight to the phillipines!!

at first we waited outside the school cause Mr Quek who was suppose to open the gate at 8am was late. Some of the parents waited at airport or stayed at school until the bus arrived. When the bus arrived, we were all so excited to go to the airport. When we reached the airport, we were like superstars cause we were in pink! And many people are looking at us. We checked in our luggage and walk around the airport while some other students said goodbye to their parents. Suddenly our flight was delayed!!! So we went to burger king and celebrated Huilin's birthday! After that, we walked around, we also drew abit, and also took alot of picturesssssss, not only that we realise that the computers there are free, and also the wifi! So most of us used Facebook for the last time to say goodbye to our beloved friends! When the time is up we all went to gate 31, terminal 1, we checked in our hand luggages, Junhao got caught for having staplers in his bag! And Sharwin's deoderant got thrown away by the security!! sadlife.com. :( We waited for the others and then board the plane! The plane was awesome. It was Rachel's first time taking a plane, she was excited like this = NRUGBRUIGBREIGVBREGIPBERUIPVBERB! BUT, she has motion sickness badlife.com :( When we were in the plane, everyone was so excited about the sky and all, then the people sitting in the middle was so jealous of the people sitting at the side, cause they cant get to see the sky and all. HAHAH TOO BADD! Rachel was crazy, cause her motion sickness was taking action! HAISH. She was groaning and all, she crazy! Jasveena sat beside the window and discribe everything to Shahril, then he just kept quiet and laugh -_____________- lolz. Choo Jing irritated Pito(uncle in Philippine) Marcus by keep asking him what was outside. Irwan was so insane, cause he wanted to take photos of the sky but he was sitting in the middle, he then secretly change place w Sharwin! When we reached Philippines airport, we were so excited! BOO. We filled up the immgration and declaration forms. Those who are under 15 will have to stand aside and wait for a longer time. After that we were brought to our tour bus and tour guide. And then they brought us to the hotel! WOW. NICE. We were so impressed by the hotel, we were given our hotel cards, and we went to our rooms, then we went for dinner and then after that we went to the hotel and sleepzzzzzzzzzzzz! Goodbye, luv you <3

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