Wednesday 22 June 2011

day 4 in Philippines!!

Day 4

Yea!! Today is the day we went to the anteneo highschool! But it was a bad start in the morning:{ a few people were late for our morning meeting thus our driver had to drive one big round over the malina city because he is not allowed to park in front of the hotel!
Because of these commotion in the morning we arrived 1 hour later than scheduled:{ but life is like that there are ups and down>.< lets take it as a lesson for us>.< anyway after the commotion everything went well>.< compared to the 1st day everyone improved quite a bit ! even the shy irwan of our group managed to specked out to some of the anteneo high school people! >.< its such a achievement for us!! We got a tour around  the anteneo high school>.< we were like WOW!!! THE HIGH SCHOOL WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH BIGGERRRRR!!! THEIR BASKETBALL COURT,SOCCER, HALL AND EVERYTHING IS LIKE 3 TIMES BIGGER THAN OURS!!

Through the tour in their school we also found out that their religious believes for their god is very strong! They even had chapel in the school to pray or something. We also found out that their theme for this year is called selamat (it means thank you in phillipines) I remember there is such a phrase “god gave us 5184000 seconds in a day isn’t it wonderful that u can use 1 second of it to give your gratitude to someone or something by saying selamat?>.<On hearing this, it really touched me
Happiness always not last long:{ we had to part from them after lunch

During lunch, the anteneo teacher let us watch a video called the bell. It tells us the story of the poors in the phillipines.if I simplifies It, the video shows us how eager those people are to study they want to study but their environment failed to let them do so. I felt a sense of guiltiness when I heard this. I am given a chance to study so comfortably and so but I chose not to study..arent I a little too unfair to them?!

With this mindset, we set of to the village where people live off picking trash, the paranda. Sadly we cannot go down the bus and interact with them but we managed to give them some sweets>.<\

after that we went to the light and sound museum!! we learnt more about the philippines war hero there! like what happened during the time when spanish concur them and what made the people think more about themselves though this i found out that a person life can be amend by his or her own hands! it is whether he /she wants to make a difference in themselves or not! like if the war hero didn't stand up and write the story of how the spanish make use of them concur them and make normal philipinoes think more of themselves philippines will now probably still being concur by countless countries again.

sadly the light and sound museum do not allow us to take pictures or video of anything inside:{ 

After that we went for dinner of a nearby restaurant and that’s the end of the day>.<

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