Sunday 26 June 2011

Day 6 in Philippines!

It was our last day today! Of course all of us were pretty upset cause we had so much fun here and we don't wish to go back home! :(

So today we are dressed in our pink shirt, carrying our luggage out of the hotel, it was sad to leave that place, our awesome bed, awesome rooms, awesome toilets, or whatever, hate the fact that there won't be anymore night meetings or supper with our lovely roommates. :(

Well, so much rubbish, lets get started. Yes, we went to the Manila Ocean Park today! Since today was our last day, everyone was pretty awake and alert in the bus looking outside to get our last view and memories of the city.

When we reached the Ocean Park, all of us were so amazed. We saw many sea creatures, and took quite a lot of pictures. Some of us even get to touch the starfish, Rachel was one of them, and she said it was Patrick, wondering where's Sponge bob. Haha, lame lah i know, but it was pink in colour, it really looked at Patrick. The skin is abit soft, well actually the whole thing look more like a stone than a living thing. Then we went in further, we saw Finding Nemo and his friends, hahaha. They are really cute, the fishes are so small and tiny. I remembered the Stone Fish, Mr Rudy said it is very very poisonous, it like once you touch it, you will get poisoned, but as the name is Stone Fish, it really looks like stone! Hmmm, confirm got many sea creatures died in these evil Stone Fishes' hands.We then walked in, and i was WOW. Its like the Underwater World in Singapore, but here was much better! The whole place was awesome.  Haha let us show you guys some of the pictures there.

After that, some of us went to try the Fish Spa, Rachel was one of them, again. Lololol. She claimed it was very ticklish, the fishes are eating the dead skin on her feet, it was pretty disgusting hahaha. Okay, let us show you a picture of her feet full of dead skin hahahah. Hahaha so many fishes 'eating' up her feet, confirm got many dead skin.

She even put her hand in. Crazy.

But this fun only lasted for 20mins :( After that we went to shopped for souvenirs! This is some of the shirts there. The designs are awesome.

Oh yes, here is one of their awesome mug.

After that we proceed to more shops where we could showcase of bargain talents, hahahaa, we bought many things. And there was this magic shop which sells all the magic stuffs and all. There are many other shops, most of them sell key chains, bracelets, necklace, magnets, and hand made straw bags. Here are some of the pictures.

After shopping, we have to say byebye to Philippines and off to the airport :( When we reached the airport, there was alot of people, Uncle Ray said that it is because if one of the people in the village is going overseas, the whole villagers will come and sent him/her off, because not many people can afford to travel, if one can, its very rare. We went down, wave goodbye to our beloved bus driver, and Uncle Ray. :( We checked in out luggage, and it took quite a while. O.O actually it was pretty long. In Singapore, check in is a like only a few seconds. After that, they have body check on us, we must take out our shoes, pretty troublesome. We then went to shopped around the local shops there. Few mins later, we are in the plane already, waving Philippines goodbye. :( 3 hours later, we are back in Singapore, which is already night time. Some of the parents came and fetch us while most of us went back to schl. That's all for day 6, bye!