Monday 30 May 2011

Meeting With Ms Eliza.

HIIII. We're at Ms Govin's homeroom having meeting with Ms Eliza! First she told us what are we doing for the different days at Philippines. And we're so excited! Especially the Hardrock Cafe and Manila Ocean Park! Haha.We also planned what to wear for different days. And now we're updating our blogs in our groups. We are having another meeting on Thursday, so we will update more on that day! Byebye! Hearts all over you teachers ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Parents Meet.

We had the Parents Meet on 27th May. The school invite the tour agent to brief us. His name is Mr Ken. We had a little abit of difficulties understanding him because he cant really talk properly. Hmmm, he's probably from China. Haha. He talked about the luggage weight, our safety, our money, and talking to strangers. And he also told our parents how to contact us. After he briefed everything, the parents asked quite a few questions. After that, we were released. THEN CHOO JING AND IRWAN'S PARENTS CAME AT 7PM. WAKAKAKA. Okayy thats all, byebye! ♥

Our First Meeting With All The Teachers.

We had out first meeting on 25th May! The camp leaders were really tired cause they just came back from the Sec 1 camp! Irwan cannot take it and even slept when the teachers were talking! We talk about the CIP component and the booths we want to set up. We had three booth, Friendship bands, Games and Henna. Our group is doing the Henna booth! Hehe. It's gonna be awesome, but we need to spend quite a bit of $$$. Hmmm. After researching, we found simply designs for Henna and update our blog which is the first post. And then, because most of us were tired, we went home! Hehe, okay, byebye! Hearts for you teacchers ♥ ♥♥♥


HEY! We had our vacinations 24th May. It was awesome. We all setlled down in the conference room with Mr Rudy and Ms Eliza, we had good time talking about the T-shirts and Jackets, we think it's gonna come out pretty awesome. :) After that the camp leaders went for lunch. They say lunch sucks because there's only nuggets leave, then Choo Jing DROPPED THE NUGGET! HAHAHAHA. Rachel was still in the conference room because she was not the camp leader so she took her Malaria first, and she took that only, she forget consultation fee! And have to borrow money from Mr Rudy! After that, she went lessons, hahaha poor her. When the leaders came back, Choo Jing took everything except for the Tetavax and Typherix. Jaz and Irwan took malaria and influenza. Hmmm so that's all, Toodles! A heart for you teachers, ♥